
Showing posts from August, 2018

iot training in bangalore

IOT – Internet of Things. ‘IOT’ is often used by technology buffs. IOT is a great place to be career wise. Don’t follow the crowd, let your interests define you and shape your career. But, what is IOT?  The Internet of Things is a network of devices, vehicles, and things that work with electronics, software, sensors, and internet that enable them to exchange data. They identify themselves with other devices or process, using an IP address. IOT has emerged from wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems, and the internet. It can be an object from mobile connectivity to robotics when it connects to the internet; digitally it becomes connected to databases, surrounding objects or a mobile phone and can autonomously communicate with these devices. Sensors in manufacturing or an activity tracker with a smartphone, all evolved to become IOT. It helps to build the smarter healthcare, natural disaster management etc.